Sunday, August 26, 2007

Back from Cuba = Retorn de Cuba

Ja som a DF! We are back in Mexico! Aquest es un post curt per confirmar que hem sobreviscut Cuba i els cubans el Dean i volar en un Yak 42! This is a short post to confirm we have survived Cuba, the cubans, a Yak42 and hurricane Dean. We cannot write about Cuba in 5 minutes and today we started at 3 thirty AM, cold shower and 30 minutes wait for a taxi that never arrived, for a moment we thought we werent leaving Havana! Avui hem comencat el dia a les 3 i mitja del mati esperant un taxi per anar a l.aeroport que mai ha vingut, per un moment ens pensavem que no sortiriem mai de l.Havana!En cinc minuts no ho podem explicar tot... i ara estem destrossats... arribant a DF hem anat cap al museu de la frida Kalho i despres el de Diego Rivera, i ara a l'hostal a dutxar-nos (amb aigua calenta) i descansar, dema o mes tard ja us en farem cinc centims mes. We have already done a couple of museums and are in desperate need of a hot shower and a rest before we can go on. So more to come soon. More pictures and lots to say about Cuba now. Petons a tots i records dels Morell que encara son a l'illa!


Glò said...

Descanseu! S'agraeix saber que esteu bé... Tot i que ja se sap ... Quan no saps d'algú es que està bé però es agradable tenir notícies vostres i participar d'alguna manera en el super viatge!

PS pensava que ereu camí de Perú!?!

Anonymous said...

Hi All

Glad to hear you're all OK, shall look forward to hearing all about Cuba, have been wanting to go for ages ....

Take care

Ann x

miguel said...

Saludos Manel y familia. Espero que vuestra estancia en Perú siga siendo interesante y divertida

Anonymous said...

Hi Manel,
This is Christophe Lacroix.
I see you have a so great time. I understand what you're doing. I left Disney one year ago to be with my family.
Could you write to ?